At Private Client Investing Inc, we source and acquire deeply discounted RE notes for high returns
Welcome to the world of high touch Investor relations
If there is one asset class that PCI covets and pursues, it is buying notes at deep discounts on local, high value real estate. We recommend that all investors pursue this type of investment in real estate.
Private Client Investments (PCI) provides investment opportunities to active investors who seek premium and attentive services. Individuals having as much as $100,000.00 - $500,000.00 per transaction are well suited for PCI’s Discount Note Purchase Opportunities.
If you are an active investor, DISCOUNTED NOTE PURCHASES provide DOUBLE DIGIT yields.
PCI receives mountains of calls from people who want to sell their loan. It could be a seller carry-back, a bank loan or some other real estate backed loan. Our company analyzes the loan and sees if the debt instrument meets our minimum 15% yield floor. If our loan acquisition committee agrees and has conducted its entire amount of underwriting, we buy the loan and reduce the acquisition price by 20% and more! Our deep discount is shared between ourselves and our investors who share in the monthly payments and own the note with us. After PCI owns the loan it collects the monthly payments and has the real estate as collateral.
When the note matures--usually in less than 24 months, all of the profits are shared between PCI and its few investors.
Most investors have little experience with note acquisitions which is extraordinarily lucrative and has been around since the 1950’s. Our seasoned investors review the due diligence package and audit any paperwork they choose. Many investors actually see the real estate that secures the note that we are buying.
Most Investors start small with between $100,000 - $250,000 using IRA funds or other investable capital and then over time increase their investments to $500,000 - $5mm.
As a licensed California RE broker (CDRE # 02029198) our company provides a FULL service that includes sourcing the perfect borrower and real estate, doing the loan paperwork with escrow, title and its attorneys and then close the deal and make sure that month after month and year after year payments to each investor are made on time and according to the loan documents.
If there is one asset class that PCI covets and pursues, it is buying notes at deep discounts on local, high value real estate. We recommend that all investors pursue this type of investment in real estate.
Private Client Investment’s Inc is a competitor and has over the past 30 years served high net worth individuals, professionals that demand excellence and discretion as well as people in the entertainment, accountancy and legal professions. PCI’s reputation is such that it receives loan transactions from its competitors that need a high touch high communication service. Large private equity and real estate funds, successful RE developers and RE offices all come to PCI for capital using their real estate as collateral.
Investors should have at least 35% of their investment capital in private money commercial loans in California.
We believe that using quality real estate that has loads of equity as collateral is the best way to preserve your investment dollars Finally, one of the best things about private money lending is that there are NO fees or loads or heavy costs with investing. The borrowers pay all of the costs associated with each loan.
Since 1990 PCI principals have provided this premier service to our top clients and have helped its clientele hold and grow its wealth through private money lending on large, Class A and premier California based real estate. Over the decades PCI has served 2 and even 3 generations of families in its legacy efforts. PCI is a California licensed broker that has a perfect record with zero investigations, actions suspensions or legal actions. Our firm is supported with high quality legal and accountancy representation as well as supports in the appraisal and financial professions.