At Private Client Investing Inc, we provide funding secured by 1st and 2nd Trust deeds.
Our job is to provide insight and solutions to your borrowing needs.
PCI has accrued 70 years of experience in making private loans to private parties and is well recognized in California as a prime and superior lender. Our reputation is excellent, so much so that other private lenders and commercial real estate funds send their deals to us for quick action and funding.
During an initial interview with us typical interview questions include:
How much do you owe on your real estate asset?
Approximately how much is it worth?
Where is your property located and what type of property is it?
How much of a loan do you want?
Who is on title or will be the borrower?
When do you need to close by?
Next Steps…
From these simple questions, we should be able to provide a soft quote on the phone to you indicating the size of the loan we can provide, your interest rate and payment and terms. Sometimes the request is for a second trust deed loan which means we will ask a few other questions as well. Private Client Investments provides second trust deeds also known as junior loans or subordinate loans.
Our service is unique in that once we send a term sheet with the appropriate legal quote documents, there are no changes or alterations. PCI funds and structures millions of dollars of private loans each month using the same process that has worked for over 30 years.
Once an agreement is made to borrow a first deed of trust or a second deed of trust from PCI the process is quick, taking between 5-21 days. We close each transaction based on when the loan must close. During this time we collect papers from you, open escrow and title, print your loan documents, and fund your loan.
Loan application
Current mortgage statement
Recent credit report
2 months recent bank statement
The most important papers that we need include:
Since 1990 PCI principals have provided this premier service to our top clients and have helped its clientele hold and grow its wealth through private money lending on large, Class A and premier California based real estate. Over the decades PCI has served 2 and even 3 generations of families in its legacy efforts. PCI is a California licensed broker that has a perfect record with zero investigations, actions suspensions or legal actions. Our firm is supported with high quality legal and accountancy representation as well as supports in the appraisal and financial professions.
Achieve Attractive, Safe Yields by Lending Against Class A Superior Real Estate in California.
As you can see the process to get started is simple. Our licensed and support staff are here to assist you with all of your questions and mortgage loan needs. Call our firm for a quick 15 minute loan quote or complete our loan inquiry page for more information.