Top 7 Questions Trust Deed Investors Need to Know At The End Of The Year
We recommend that you prepare for some of the best transactions of 2020.
Each year most private real estate lenders expect to coast and relax during the holiday season since borrowers are consumed with family, relaxing and eating— they are pausing their business activities; this scenario, however, rarely occurs since frequently we are often called upon to extend some immediate, end of year loans that is both safe and attractive: Borrower often need quick, end of year closing to buy-out partner, complete final business contracts or have special tax consideration that need fast capital.
Here are the 7 most important end of year TD Investor considerations to maintain readiness:
7. Have I inspected the assets that my other loans are on at least once this year?
6. Have I learned more about the business, the broker or the marketplace this year?
5. Have I started to tally my collected interest earned on each loan I made for my taxes this year?
4. Am I up-to-date on my trust deed(s) status with my broker, servicer and investing partners? Do they know what I want?
3. Are there any payoff letters (demands) , extension requests or other end-of-year acts I must perform?
2. Are there any last minute transactions that I can participate that will provide a premium yield due to an EOY closing?
1. Am I available to make quality decisions and am I liquid? Can I move my money, execute a wire, transfer funds and access my accounts?