
2021 Year in Review

As we review 2021 and determine how to evaluate the work we have done, we have to begin by praising everyone within our network for surviving these tumultuous times. We have determined as a company that success is measured not by our revenues, but by the assistance and growth we provide for our clients and customers. We consider ourselves extremely lucky and have a sanguine outlook due to the people we met and the bonds formed in the past year. Our long-term approach to relationships and the marketplace, in general, has given us the ability to slow down and recognize how truly lucky we were in the past year.

One word to describe 2021: Gratitude.
With gratitude, we humbly look back and pat ourselves on the back for:

8. Achieving our stated goals from the beginning of the year
7. A progression and enhanced professionalism in the marketplace 
6. Trending toward innovative ideas and concepts and leveraging them into fruition
5. Finding best ways to work remotely with a distanced team 
4. Having a next play mentality
3. Increasing our understanding of individual situations and spending more time with borrowers 
2. Increasing our ability to communicate better resulting in seamless workflow and quick turnarounds
1. New and meaningful relationships

Thanks to all for a terrific 2021. We hope that your successes and fortune in 2022 are aligned with your own, higher and elevated purposes

With gratitude,

Michael Waldman
and The Team at Goldstalk and Private Client Investments

At Private Client Investments, we will walk you through all your options and discuss the consequences in depth to help you make the decision that’s best for you.

We offer highly personalized investment opportunities based on your current financial situation. Flexible with terms and conditions, our financial experts provide creative solutions to structuring deals that benefit all parties, unlike our competition.

Contact us to learn more